Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Taboo?!....Now normality!

Erm...Ok, if you're my age (19/20) press rewind to about 4 years ago...ok you've done that? Yeah cool. Do you recall a time where the notion of sex was one that had connotations of immoral, taboo and was basically straight up nasty? Yeah I thought you did, I too remember a time where causal sex was something completely uncommon and if it were to happen it garnered mad hysteria of "what, they had sex", "you had sex?", "yeah, she's a hoe, she slept with so and so".

Now fast-forward back to the present day; are you like me and look back and think how young and innocent we were (D'awwww). As I don't know about you, but sex has become a casual part of our life, I mean, I remember the roars and spurge of celebratory hi-5's that my peers and I would produce when when one of our mates scored. Nonetheless, sex is very common and has become basic normality for our age and culture. Also can I add, I am not condoning that mass sex is correct, however I'm saying it is part of the age we are at now, so embrace it, ok. This goes for boys and girls...as Cyndy Lauper famously said "girls just wanna have fun". And my point in saying this, is that we are now at a limbo age whereby we are adults, however the youngest or rather the beginning stage of adulthood, in which, we should enjoy the fruits of this particular period of time. As soon; we'll be all old and frail and settling down with Mr or Mrs right. 

So my point in closing, is that, embrace sex (no I'm not no hippy and no I don't have sex on a regular basis) enjoy the fact, that we're still young and can allow ourselves to be liberal and have fun. Cause, sooner or later we'll look back and think faaaack....I really shoulda put my hand in the cookie jar whilst I had the chance.

Disclaimer: I must press the issue of safe sex. Please fellas wear a condom having a child is no joke, nor is that itchy penis or burning sensation when you pee. Have fun everyone! 


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