Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Texting - The New Exit For Girls...

With the plummet of Blackberrys (BB) and Blackberry Messenger (BBM). Texting has regained it’s place as the most common form of communication between sex’s of our demographic. Me personally, I’ve never been a fan of texting, maybe cause I’ve been so used to the instant, friendly and comfortable way of communicated via BBM. Nonetheless, blackberrys are slowly leaving everyones pockets, so when males like myself, ask for the opposite sex’s details, it's now back to the usual and more conventional “what’s your number” as a opposed to the more recent and more successful “what’s your BB pin”.

However, you would think a female giving out her number would be more favourable than a blackberry pin.  Unfortunately, you are very wrong. And this simple incorrect thinking is down to females ignoring text messages. I and many others have fallen victim to the ‘airing’ of texts. You know the ones that supply the infamous “tumble weed” feeling. And it’s quite simple as to why this arises- texting is less intruisive than BBM. And this is for following reasons...

For one, texting is not 'instant', in which, she doesn’t have to reply immediately, for all she cares she could reply in 2096 if she really wants to. Secondly, there’s no delivered or received symbols like you would fine on BBM, so it doesn’t make it obvious that she’s ignoring you and feels pressured to reply. And, lastly she knows; despite the fact you’ve got her number, she’s pretty certain that you are not gonna call her, cause lets be real...you haven’t got the balls to do it.

So, if on a night out you get a hot mamacita’s number and you text her the next day and you don’t receive that ever-so important reply, you now know why – and just know you’re not alone it’s happening to the best of us.

Disclaimer: Remember there’s obviously women out there who do and will reply, I’m just angry because this happened to me over the weekend and I thought it was quite mean to be fair. So don’t let it discourage you from getting a girls number, infact let it inspire you to prove me wrong.


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